Desperate earthlings move to conquer an inhabitable planet and destroy its residents in the animated “Battle for Terra.” Aristomenis Tsirbas’ “Battle For Terra” strives to be both a great work of 3-D animation and a superior piece of science fiction. (Read more…)
Author Archives: Dann Gire
Dumbed-down romantic comedy hasn’t a ‘Ghosts’ of a chance
Connor (Matthew McConaughey) tries to stop the wedding of his girl Jenny (Jennifer Garner) in “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.” “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” strikes me as the kind of superficial, witless romantic comedy conceived on a dare between a director and a screenwriter during a weekend bender. (Read more…)
Effects, buff Jackman highlight a flawed ‘Wolverine’
Hugh Jackman bares his aggression as the most popular mutant in the action thriller “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.” “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” begins as a dark and foreboding tale of two brothers on the run, then slams into high gear as a high-energy action film before veering out of control into such overwrought silliness that it resembles […]
Films this summer go a few places they haven’t gone before
“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” As expected every year at this time, a big chunk of the summer movie season serves up an unimaginative mix of sequels, prequels, remakes, juvenile comedies, TV adaptations, book adaptations and even a film based on an action figure. (Read more…)
Nine summer movies Dann’s dying to see
“Drag Me to Hell” Here are the nine 2009 summer movies I’m so stoked to see, I would actually buy a ticket to watch them: (Read more…)
You gotta ‘Love’ Rudd and Segel together again
Paul Rudd, left, Jason Segel and director John Hamburg, right, have fun with ping-pong balls while discussing their new comedy “I Love You Man.” When you put actors Paul Rudd and Jason Segel together in a room with their “I Love You, Man” director John Hamburg, a film critic can just forget about having any […]