In the sequel “Twilight Saga: New Moon,” actor Kellan Lutz plays vampire Emmett Cullen to Nikki Reed’s Rosalie Hale. |
If you don’t know who Kellan Lutz is yet, you’re not a screaming fan of last year’s hit vampire movie “Twilight.”
Lutz is the 24-year-old South Dakota-born actor who plays Emmett Cullen, one of the vampire siblings of Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), the hunky romantic interest of human teenager Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart).
The “Twilight” sequel “New Moon” opens next Thursday, and unless you’ve been hiding in a coffin for two years, you already know that.
I saw down with Lutz, a physical actor in the Steve McQueen mold, to talk about vampires and taking on the new Freddy Krueger.
How do you approach playing an old vampire playing a human teen.
“It’s really unique that Stephenie Meyer created vampires who are trying to portray and act like humans,” Lutz said. “We found it difficult in the cast to wear the contacts and to show emotion. It’s kind of hard to do that, especially when you can’t really see the person right in front of you so clearly. It’s definitely tough to move like a vampire.”
What’s so different about the Cullen vampires?
“We’re not trying to show off that we’re vampires, or that we have special skills, or that we’re invincible,” Lutz replied. “We’re trying to portray humans, but we’re vampires who’ve lived hundreds of years. We try to take that into account with the wardrobe we wear, how we move, how we speak. It’s a lot to do.
“We’re not just playing vampires who are 20 years old. We’re playing vampires who are hundreds of years old portraying a 20-year-old human, or teenage vampires. It’s definitely a unique spin on trying to be human and trying to fit.” (Read more…)