The dark Irish comedy “Turning Green” never quite finds its proper comic tone as it gleefully immerses us in a raucously nasty, noirish tale of a sexually self-abusing teenager who becomes a successful pornography distributor and eventual killer.
“Turning Green,” originally one of the runners-up in the “Project Greenlight” contest from a few years back, stars newcomer Donal Gallery as James, an Irish lad raised in the U.S. who returns to the Emerald Island with his kid brother Pete (Killian Morgan). James needs money, and when he meets a porno supplier, he rakes in the green (hence the double-meaning of the title).
Local gangsters Bill the Bookie (Alessandro Nivola) and Bill the Breaker (Timothy Hutton) don’t like this, and try to set the upstart kid straight about making money on their turf. (Read more…) Rated: NR (mature audiences only). 85 minutes.
Opens Thursday, November 19 at the Pipers Alley Theater in Chicago.